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Salmon Trout Byproducts Mince

Product Category:Salmon Trout Products, All you need to know


Product Name Salmon Trout Byproducts Mince
Species Salmon Trout
Description Salmon Trout Mince
Quality Premium

What is Salmon Trout Byproducts Mince?

One of the by-products of AKOOFish company is salmon trout mince, which is prepared to prevent fish wastage. You can easily replace this quality product with similar foreign products. It is possible to use this product as a bait to catch all kinds of fish because fishing, in addition to a lot of patience, requires the bait to be used at the right time and place. This product has great adhesion and does not separate from the hook even in stormy water.

Due to its high protein content, salmon powder is widely used in livestock, aquatic and poultry feed. This product provides the protein needed for better breeding of livestock, poultry and aquatic animals and has reduced the need for breeders to consume other protein materials. This powder is sometimes used separately, but in most cases, it is mixed with animal feed.

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Salmon Powder Benefits

This widely used and useful product in poultry and aquatic farming is prepared from dried and minced fish. Salmon powder contains omega-3, protein and amino acid, which has replaced other protein products in aquaculture and poultry farming. This powder improves the immune system of poultry and aquatic animals and prevents them from developing diseases. Fish meal is used as a supplement in aquaculture, which will cause better growth and improve the quality of their meat. Also, this powder increases the egg-laying of poultry due to its nutrients. This product in poultry nutrition causes better growth and better meat production.

Where to Buy Salmon Trout Mince?

When buying fish powder, pay attention to the type of fish and its protein content. Salmon powder has the most protein among fish, and its powder also contains the same amount of protein. AKOOFish company is one of the most reliable producers of this product, which with years of experience in the field of fish processing with the most modern technologies, also produces this by-product with the most modern and up-to-date technologies.

Buy Salmon Trout Byproducts Mince Online

For the convenience of customers, AKOOFish has made it possible to buy salmon trout mince online through its website so that buyers can easily place their order by reading the comments and reading the complete product specifications. This product is considered a byproduct in the field of fish processing, which AKOOFish company processes and offers to buyers according to the needs of consumers and using the most modern technologies and the most up-to-date research.

Salmon Trout Byproducts Mince Price

The price of this product is determined based on the technology used, the type of fish, the packaging and its application. AKOOFish company is considered a reliable supplier in the sale of salmon powder. With years of experience in processing salmon and supplying the highest quality products to the market, it has set and marketed the most affordable price for this byproduct.

AKOOFish Company

AKOOFish, the leading company in the fish processing industry, has produced by-products with the most modern technologies in the country to prevent fish wastage. The fish powder factory of this company has started working to meet the market demand for quality fish powder with the properties of fresh fish. With years of experience and research in new methods of fish processing and machine production in this field, this company has opened its own fish powder factory and has produced and marketed this practical product in livestock, poultry and aquatic farming with global quality and standards.


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